Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Montessori in moderation

I didn't know much about Montessori until I visited a preschool and was taken with all the material and the approach to learning. For several reasons (I won't get into them) the school was not a good fit for my daughter M, but I came away with a fire I hadn't felt for a long time.

So after some reading (books and blogs) I decided to marry my love for craft and my daughter's burgeoning need for learning new things.

I like the organization of activities in trays, and we began with simple things for my 2.5 year old. Pouring, picking up stuff with tongs, cutting (veggies, cilantro stalks, paper.) Most things were already available in my house - this is an important factor for me. I really do not want to buy a bunch of stuff, and where ever possible i recycle.

M immediately took to all of the activities. She would sit for 20-30 minutes doing and perfecting her pouring, picking up and cutting. I was so inspired!

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